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Longfa Industry to carry out 2023 emergency drill

hits:1840  dateline:2023-06-30    

Prepare for a rainy day

Actual combat test mechanism

Everyone is safe, everyone will be emergency. In order to further enhance the staff's awareness of fire safety, strengthen the staff's ability to cope with emergencies, further improve the organization and handling capacity of fire fighting and rescue work, so that in the event of an emergency, rescue work can be carried out quickly, effectively and orderly, emergency evacuation, and accident hazards can be reduced to a low degree, Master limited space operation safety knowledge and emergency treatment ability, master mechanical injury emergency treatment, etc. On the afternoon of June 29, Longfa Industry organized management and employee representatives to carry out 2023 emergency drill.


Before the drill, Production Minister Wu Berli made a mobilization speech on the emergency drill, and stressed:


In this drill, all departments and workshops should cooperate closely in accordance with the overall emergency response plan, take their responsibilities, and each link should be connected closely, so that the danger report is orderly, the emergency response is quickly in place, the personnel evacuation is orderly, and the disaster relief resettlement is timely and reasonable.


Through the drill, all personnel should be familiar with the early warning information and signals, to ensure that when the danger appears, there is a leadership, organized and orderly organization of personnel evacuation, to be clear about the transfer route and placement location, even in the case of power, communication and other interruptions, no chaos, safe transfer.


It is necessary to improve the awareness of disaster prevention and the ability of self-rescue and mutual rescue, so as to reduce the losses caused by disasters to a large extent when disasters occur, reduce casualties to a large extent, and effectively improve the rapid response and emergency handling capacity of all personnel to deal with sudden disasters.

This drill to simulate the company's packing molding workshop due to wire aging, causing a fire, the scene filled with smoke, safety production leading group organized personnel to organize emergency evacuation and emergency treatment of fire. Volunteer teams organize volunteer firefighters to use dry powder fire extinguishers to extinguish the initial fire.

Simulation 1# push plate kiln workshop, the staff in the kiln (limited space) maintenance kiln, gas leakage, operator poisoning emergency treatment. During the drill, the on-site personnel did a good job of reporting the accident, mastering the rescue points, doing a good job of on-site control, evacuating the relevant personnel, etc., and mastered the emergency rescue ability of the space operation of the limited company.

After the drill, Production Minister Wu Beri summarized the emergency drill and put forward specific requirements:


At present, during the safety activity month, all departments and workshops should deeply understand the importance of emergency work, effectively enhance safety awareness, focus on the disadvantages, and make full preparations to ensure that there are no problems.


It is necessary to go all out to do a good job in the implementation of the work, rather than ten prevention nine empty, can not lose prevention, effectively make emergency preparations, with a high degree of responsibility for the company's property and the safety of workers' lives and property, the work is done carefully, and do its best to be foolproof.


In combination with the requirements of the 22nd "safety production Month" activities in the country, "everyone talks about safety and everyone will respond to emergencies." Safety is no small matter, life is more important than Mount Tai. All departments and workshops should effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of safety production work to ensure that the company's safety production situation continues to be stable and good

The emergency drill has further improved the emergency response ability, rescue ability and evacuation ability of our employees to cope with emergencies, which is conducive to reducing the losses caused by disasters to the greatest extent and maintaining the safety of our company's property and the lives and property of our employees.

After the drill, the company organized the staff representatives of the department to visit the Xiangdong fire brigade. The staff of the fire brigade introduced the functions and use methods of various fire appliances to the staff representatives, which further deepened the fire awareness of the staff.

Reprint source:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8HTcEVciUEElslP0rSIPVw

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